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Payment Modalities

  • The payment modes do not differ from those employed by conventional wholesale companies.
  • Orders must be paid for in advance.
  • The form of payment we typically accept are:

    Money Transfer
    beneficiary: CROCINI S.r.l.
    IBAN: IT 18 V 05387 14102 0000 42121203


New Products

Pecorino al pepe nero

Dettagli 18,10 € 17,40 € + 4% IVA

Caramelized sliced onion Kg 1

Dettagli 6,60 € 6,00 € + 10% IVA

Black peppercorns

Dettagli 6,70 € 6,09 € + 10% IVA


Dettagli 16,10 € 15,48 € + 4% IVA

Il Rosa

Dettagli 21,50 € 20,67 € + 4% IVA