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Sweet combinations

Putting savoury flavours together with softer and sweet ones is not a recent trend. Already from the period of the Renaissance, gastronomy – which was on the cusp of becoming...

"Cinta Senese" swine

Cinto Toscano swine represents the historical denomination that is identified by the genetic type Cinta Senese.  The latter has ancient origins and its representations have been...

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"Cinta Senese" swine

Cinto Toscano swine represents the historical denomination that is identified by the genetic type Cinta Senese.  The latter has ancient origins and its representations have been found almost everywhere.  The most famous one, with no doubt, is "Effetti del Buongoverno" (1338-40) by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, located at the Palazzo Comunale (Town Hall) of Siena.  Also, the cycle of frescoes of Cappella di Casanuova di Ama" (1596) in Gaiole, Chianti, and whose rediscovery caused an uproar some time ago, presents a fresco model at the feet of St. Anthony the Abbot.   
We can confirm, without a shadow of a doubt, that the meat, salami and fat of this animal have all made an outstanding contribution to the improvement of life conditions in this region of Italy.  We can indeed find images of Cinta Senese painted in a manual of medicine dating back to the XIVth century.  The adipose deposits were probably precious not only for food purposes, but also for the preparation of ointments and creams.   
The breeding of this swine type has prevailed, remaining almost unharmed, throughout the course of multiple historical and cultural events.   These ones comprised the beginning of the Modern Era until the end of sharecropping and the post WWII era, when  Cinta Senese swine were still bred with regularity. 
From time immemorial, we remember the always-legendary "Verro Cinto" belonging to Ricasoli of Brolio as the most sought after specimen for reproduction.  Up to the 1950’s, almost all peasant families bred a few Cinta in order to prepare the meat and make a stock of salami and other meats.  In the 1950’s, the introduction of "White" swine breed took place, being "Large White" the most predominant type.  It was a great revolution given that the latter, even if not qualified for natural state breeding, was the most prolific of Cinta.  The swine were usually ready for slaughtering only after 6 months of life, while the development of Cinta requires a period of more than a year.  
Subsequently, the latest trend was a crossbreed between Large White male and Cinta Senese female, with the production of swine called "Grigi".  These creatures preserved their grazing and natural state behavior but were premature in their development.  The practice of cross breeding still prevails up to this day and one could assert that it is the main reason for the survival of the “Cinta” breed.  Nevertheless, an interest for the reinstatement of the purity of Cinta Senese is a trend emerging from these recent years.
The Cinta Senese swine is a dark medium sized type of pig with sparse black bristles and a characteristic whitish pink stripe (like a belt) around its thorax, shoulders, withers and anterior limbs. 
Due to its nature, it cannot be bred in a confined stall.  Instead, it is left to graze in fields and forests, where it can nourish itself with anything it finds in its environment: acorns, roots, tubers, truffles, grass, etc. 
From this semi wild form of breeding, unique types of salami emerge which are not always easy to find.  In this regard, we have selected for you a small Tuscan and Cinta Senese swine farm in Cortona.

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